The Board of Trustees governs and oversees the activities of the organisation. The Board consists of individuals with varied backgrounds, all of whom are non-remunerated volunteers that are able to offer the organisation the necessary guidelines and expertise to continue to support the National Health System by ensuring access to healthcare for all South Africans.

Management and Administration
The CEO is responsible for the day to day management of the organisation and reports to the Board of Trustees. Medical and aviation decisions are taken in consultation with the Management Committee (MANCO) and the Quality and Safety Committee. Day-to-day financial administration is handled by management staff in accordance with the budget approved by the Trustees. All meetings are minuted and conform strictly to the acceptable standards of corporate governance practice.
Audit, Finance & Risk Committee: This committee comprises of Trustees nominated by the Board of Trustees. The committee’s role is to assist the Board of Trustees in overseeing and assessing the organisation’s risk management process, legal and regulatory compliance, financial reporting, financial controls and internal and external audit processes and to liaise between the Board of Trustees and the external auditors.
Human Resources and Remuneration Committee: The committee comprises of Trustees nominated by the Board of Trustees. The committee assists the Board of Trustees to establish Human Resources strategies and policies as well as to ensure compliance with all applicable legislation and best practices.
Management Committee (MANCO): MANCO is a statutory meeting chaired by the CEO. MANCO comprises of the CEO, Corporate Development Manager, National Operations Manager and co-opted members. The committee aims to improve the communication flow and keep everyone abreast of developments in the organisation. MANCO is also a sounding board for the CEO.
Quality and Safety Committee: The Q & S Committees address all matters pertaining to safety and quality of services.