During the month of August we pay homage to women of our nation, it is just fitting that this week we feature one of our phenomenal women in our organisation. Kogie Naidoo, Durban Base Manager has been with the AMS since 1998, here’s a look into her world …
Tell us about yourself? I was born in Addington Hospital, grew up in Chatsworth. I finished school at Westcliff Secondary and completed my Management Degree with UNISA.
Were you in any other trade before? I have always worked in the emergency field even though I don’t have any medical background. I worked at AEMS (now known as EMS) from 1982 to 1994 and thereafter at Medical Rescue International from 1994 to 1998 and then started with AMS in June 1998 to date.
If you could master one skill you don’t have right now, what would it be? A Paramedic.
What do you do in your spare time? Gardening, sewing, reading, and looking after my family.
What is the one thing about you few people know? I have a terribly sweet tooth despite being a diabetic.
What do you enjoy most about your job? Interacting with people and no two days are alike, each day is different.
What is on your bedside table? Hot bag (for the stress, aches and pains), book (which I barely get to read– five pages and I am fast asleep) and my cell phone (for the late night calls from the pilots).
If you could have dinner with five famous people from history, who would they be? Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Aniston, Gerard Butler, Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.
What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? Shirley is leaving today, 28 August 2018 – what a sad day for all of us. Better get my tissues ready.
What has been the happiest day of your life? There is a few happy days. My wedding, the day my children and grandchildren were born. Starting work at AMS and flying around KZN in this small aeroplane, not so small after all.
If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be? A matron in a hospital.
What is your greatest indulgence? Chocolates and butter cream cake.
What is the one thing, you can’t live without? Tea and family.
Best piece of advice anyone ever gave you? Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle!
What animal best represents you and why? Tigress – strong character and fiercely protective. Even though the ladies in the office think I am a “dragon”.
Any motto you live by? “The task ahead of you is never greater than the strength within you!!!