Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, National Minister of Health opened this first of its kind conference – Aeromed Africa 2012- proudly hosted by the SA Red Cross Air Mercy Service (AMS). The conference took place from the 13th – 16th March 2012 at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. Aeromed Africa 2012 highlighted the gap in the aero-medical industry which provides medical and healthcare information to African & Developing countries which provides a tool to create accessibility to healthcare for all. Topics covered by Top International & local experts in the field included clinical, technical, regulatory, training and health systems. The conference focussed on the pre hospital care environment, mountain and sea rescue as well as the impact that aero medical services can make in creating access to elective and preventative healthcare by way of a structured “Flying Doctor Service”, provided a forum for organisations to share their experiences and learn from each other. It was an ideal networking opportunity for organisations, Government representatives, suppliers and other interested parties.