Today we get to know Marc Lawson, AMO Manager. Marc has been with the AMS family for eight years and is multi-skilled, amongst others an ELO instructor and an aircraft mechanic, here’s a look into his world…
Tell us about yourself: “I was born and raised in Cape Town, but have travelled and stayed in many different countries. I completed high school in Cape Town in 1990 then went on to complete my National Military Service, where I worked for about three years. I joined the Air Force as an Aircraft Mechanic thereafter. I completed my Flight Engineers and Instructors Course in the Air Force and then was off to the Middle East for two years. I came back to South Africa and was offered a job at AMS.”
Were you in any other trade before? “One of life’s philosophies… Jack of all trades and a master of few.”
Why did you choose to join the AMS family? “I appreciated and had an understanding of what the organisation stands for. This was one of the key factors why I joined.”
If you could master one skill you don’t have right now, what would it be? “Understanding women.”
What do you do in your spare time? “What spare time, I work for AMS lol. I service helicopters in my private capacity, I volunteer as a life saver, I have my own aviation school and I am restoring my own two personal aircraft when the time allows.
What might someone be surprised to know about you? “I am very soft hearted and caring for people in reaching their full potential.”
What do you enjoy most about your job? “There is very little repetition.”
What is on your bedside table? “My watch, my cell phone, my pocket Bible and my bedside light that my wife bought which I never use because Eskom is too expensive.”
If you could have dinner with five famous people from history, who would they be? “Shoo! Mmm… I’ve never really thought of it hey … can’t think of anybody … oh wait maybe Donald Trump, I just want to find out how he thinks.”
When your friends/family find out what you do, what do they say or ask? “Most people think people that working in aviation is a routine well paid job, when it’s the opposite …”
What has been the happiest day of your life? “When I got married and when my two sons were born.”
If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be? “Shoo! Mmm… a pilot for personal reasons.”
What is your greatest indulgence? “Chocolate and food is my biggest weakness.”
What is the one thing, you can’t live without? “My family. My wife and kids.”
What is the one quality you feel best describes you? “I am caring yet consistent.”
Best piece of advice anyone ever gave you? “There’s so many of them, Don’t leave for tomorrow what can be done today. Saving is part of your budget. Don’t look at others, look at the change you can make.”
Do you have a life philosophy? “Enjoy life, go places, do things! The older you become the more painful it is.”