Your safety is our priority

As a responsible aero-medical operator, the AMS has increased the infection risk control measures during the Covid-19 pandemic; with the installation of a cabin / cockpit barrier screen on our Leonardo Helicopters (LH) AW119MkII; the issue of personal N95 respirators to our frontline crews; the modification of procedures and practices (especially for aerosol generating procedures) and the necessary associated training for all staff.

The barrier is an important engineering control to reduce the risk exposure of our flight crew, by protecting them from prolonged exposure during patient transit, to the expired air within the cabin. The barrier is sourced and fitted locally, based on LH supplied materials list, manufacture procedures and fitment instructions.

The current and ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the challenges of infection prevention and control in our communities, but also within the relative close-confines of aero-medical transport.

The AMS has already flown a number of suspected and confirmed Covid-19 positive patients as the trend of aero-medical transport of highly infectious patients is on the increase. We urge everyone to protect themselves and others by continuing to maintain social distancing, washing hands and wearing of masks.

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